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108 ambulance crew gave a new lease of life to patient

Gajapati: Sajni Bhuyan, a 25-year-old woman from Awasing village in Gajapati district, was suffering from fever and complained of chest pain. The family members informed the 108 ambulance in this regard. However, due to bad roads, there was a problem in taking her to the hospital. 108 ambulance arrived but stopped 2 km away from the patient’s house.  So the ambulance crews,  EMT Vidyadhar Sahu, Pilot,  Prasad Kumar Raghav and attendant Jayab Dalbehera took the patient on a stretcher. Later, the patient was brought in an ambulance and admitted to Rayagada hospital. It was because of this humanity of the 108 ambulance crew that Sajni Bhuyan reached the hospital on time and her life was saved. The 108 ambulance crews has been highly appreciated for this noble cause.

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