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TPSODL Builds 1918 Safety Fencings near Distribution Sub-Stations and Counting

• TPSODL’s Unwavering Commitment to Safety for all
Berhampur: With a deep-rooted commitment to safeguarding consumers and the environment, TPSODL has undertaken significant measures to barricade its distribution sub-stations (DSS) and enhance safety in the regions it serves. TPSODL’s safety initiative covers all its infrastructure, with a particular focus on distribution sub-stations (DSS). These measures aim to protect both the local population and animals in the vicinity of these substations by barricading sub-stations completely.
The Company has undertaken the construction of two types of fencing. In many places Conventional walls have been constructed; Additionally, Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP) barriers have also been constructed. Over the past two years, and ongoing, TPSODL’s efforts have resulted in the completion of an impressive 1683 Conventional barriers and 235 Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) barriers in major cities and towns of Southern Odisha.
Within city circles, 156 Conventional barriers and 139 Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) barriers have been constructed. In the Berhampur circle alone, there are 616 Conventional barriers and 25 Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) barriers, while Aska has 232 and 10, Bhanjanagar has 266 and 61, Rayagada has 246 Conventional barriers, and Jeypore has 167 Conventional barriers. These initiatives primarily focus on enhancing safety in and around distribution substations (DSS), ensuring a secure environment for all.
Mr. Amit Garg, CEO of TPSODL, expressed his commitment to this vital mission, stating, “At TPSODL, safety is our topmost priority. We are deeply committed to ensuring the well-being of the communities we serve. Our ongoing efforts of barricading DSS reflect our dedication to this cause and further strengthening safety measures”.

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