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Joint Consultative System inaugurated at Tata Steel Kalinganagar

Kalinganagar: In a significant display of collaboration, engagement and harmony among the employees, union and management, the ‘Joint Consultative System at Tata Steel Kalinganagar’ was inaugurated in an event organised at Auditorium, Plot 2, Tata Steel Kalinganagar on October 17, 2023.

The inauguration was jointly done by Rajiv Kumar, Vice President (Operations), TSK, Atrayee Sanyal, Vice President (HRM), Tata Steel, Rabindra Kumar Jamuda, President, Tata Steel Kalinganagar Workers’ Union (TSKWU), Damodar Soy, General Secretary, TSKWU and Yashwant Kumar Pandey, Chief HRBP – Steel, TSK.

On the occasion, a charter was also released by the dignitaries which includes the structure of the Joint Consultation System specifically designed for Tata Steel Kalinganagar. It provides details on the two-tier structure of the councils and the sub-committees, along with guidelines for conducting effective meetings at different levels. The charter will also serve as a comprehensive guide, enabling effective communication, dialogue, and self – expression.

This Joint Consultative System will provide a platform to the employees, union and management to discuss issues related to production, productivity, quality, safety, welfare and training of the employees. This system aims to create a harmonious and productive work environment that promotes collaboration.

The event was attended by around 100 participants including senior leadership of Tata Steel, Union officials and employees.

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