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Mr. Naveen Patnaik on Wednesday felicitated the network team of Bharti Airtel, Odisha

Hon’ble Chief Minister of Odisha, Mr. Naveen Patnaik on Wednesday felicitated the network team of Bharti Airtel, Odisha, for providing the best network experience during the recently held Men’s

International Hockey World Cup. Bharti Airtel was the only service provider to make ultrafast 5G network services LIVE at the Kalinga & Birsa Munda stadiums in Bhubaneshwar and Rourkela respectively that

hosted the Men’s Hockey World Cup. Over 90 thousand unique customers of Bharti Airtel consumed over 75 terabytes of data during the LIVE Hockey World Cup matches. Airtel has already launched 5G services in 13 cities of Odhisa namely Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Rourkela, Puri, Anugul, Sambalpur, Berhampur & Balasore.

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