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Tata Steel Kalinganagar organises Training of Trainers (ToT) for Emergency Response

~ Training programme organised in association with National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India

April 16, 2024, Kalinganagar: A 6-day long ‘Emergency Response Training Programme on Training of Trainers (ToT)’, by Security Department of Tata Steel Kalinganagar (TSK) in collaboration with National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India was inaugurated at Auditorium, Plot 2, TSK on April 16, 2024.

The training programme, an initiative on capacity building by creating a pool of Master Trainers who in turn would further train the shop floor employees, was inaugurated by Ajit Kar, Chief of Electrical Maintenance (COEM), TSK in the presence of Debdoot Mohanty, Chief, Corporate Services, TSK, R S Mishra, Chief, Safety, TSK and Dhananjay Kumar, Deputy Commandant, 3rd Bn NDRF, Munduli, Cuttack. Dhananjay Kumar was heading the NDRF instructor team. Prakash Sanjay, Chief, Security, TSK & TSM was the Chief Coordinator of the program, while Mukul Kumar, Head Security, TSK  along with other team members of Security Department, TSK were the main organising team of the event. Among others present on the occasion were senior officials of TSK, NDRF and CISF (Kalinganagar).

44 officers including 05 lady officers from various Tata Steel locations viz; Jamshedpur, Kalinganagar, Raw Material locations, Meramandali & NINL participated in the training programme. The training by the NDRF team will include classroom training, demonstration and hands on practical to acquire instructional skills on Medical First Responder, Structural Collapse Search & Rescue, Fire Management and Lifesaving & Search equipment for the effective management of various disaster contingencies.

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