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TPCODL is committed to ensure reliable power supply to its customers; conducts extensive safety drive during monsoons

Bhubaneswar, 24June 2023: With the onset of monsoon, TP Central Odisha Distribution Limited (TPCODL), the joint venture between Tata Power and Odisha Government for power distribution, has announced various safety measures taken as a part of the monsoon preparedness drive. The company aims to ensure seamless power supply for its customers during the upcoming monsoon season within the region while taking all safety measures for its customers and employees.

Some of the key measures taken by the company include-  tree trimming along 1650 circuit kms. of HT feeders to avoid falling of trees /branches on electrical installations, poles and wires, de-vegetation at 1250 substations to avoid tripping due to growth of creepers, deployment of adequate manpower, 24×7 availability of maintenance and breakdown vehicles with quick response time, installation of 1150 Polymeric Lightning Arresters on DTs and 2000 Polymeric Lightning Arresters to help in reduction of breakdown of transformers, leakage current testing drive at more than 10,000 locations, installation of 857 Earthing System and repair of 1368 Earthing System for DTs, Installation of 1100 Interposing poles in high sagging areas for safety enhancement and fencing of 500 distribution substations to avoid any untoward situation.

Other arrangements include- provision of dewatering pump sets in low lying PSS, arrangement of proper safety gear like gumboots, raincoats for ground staff to work even during rainy season and preventive maintenance of transformers and connected equipment as per plan.

“Safety has always been our foremost priority. We are regularly taking proactive measures to ensure that customers continue to receive reliable power supply. This monsoon season, we urge everyone to follow simple measures to stay safe during the season.” said Mr. Arvind Singh, Chief Executive Officer, TP Central Odisha Distribution Ltd.

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