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TPSODL initiates measures against unauthorised reconnections and interference with service lines and meters

Berhampur: TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited (TPSODL) has initiated some measures against the unauthorised use of electricity and tampering of electric equipment. The company is committed to implementing these measures to deter such activities and maintaining a fair and transparent environment for all stakeholders.
During its disconnection drive, the company has observed that some consumers illegally reconnect electricity supply that has been officially disconnected, thus using electricity without proper authorization. Additionally, consumers have been found to be interfering with service lines and meters, employing external means to tamper with equipment. These activities not only lead to substantial revenue losses for the utility but also pose significant safety hazards to the public.
In line with statutory guidelines and rules, TPSODL will invoke the relevant clauses and sections of the Indian Electricity Act and the OERC Supply Codes to address these issues effectively.
The following measures will be implemented:
• Clause 175 of the OERC Supply Code 2019 allows TPSODL to prevent unauthorized electricity reconnections by consumers who were lawfully disconnected.
• If an unauthorized reconnection is found, actions will be taken as per Section 138 of the Indian Electricity Act 2003.
• If supply is restored through a different live connection, any outstanding dues from the disconnected connection will be transferred to the account of the live connection.
• Non-payment of these transferred dues will be dealt with according to Regulation 172(1) of the Code.
• An investigation may be conducted to identify the individual responsible for unauthorized reconnection.
• Section 138 of the Indian Electricity Act 2003 states that various actions are considered unlawful, including unauthorized connection/disconnection, unauthorized reconnection, unauthorized communication, deliberate damage or alteration, or intentionally preventing accurate electricity measurement.
• These actions can lead to imprisonment for up to three years, a fine of up to ten thousand rupees, or both. A daily fine may also be imposed for ongoing offences.
• If a consumer is found to have control over the meter or equipment, it is assumed that any unauthorized action was knowingly and willingly done by them, unless proven otherwise.

Mr. Amit Garg, Chief Executive Officer, TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited said: “TPSODL remains committed to serving the needs of its customers and the community by providing seamless supply and services. At the same time, we are focused on the interests of all stakeholders, and the long-term sustainability and performance of the utility. I urge all consumers to comply with the established guidelines and regulations to ensure the integrity of the electricity supply system, as well as their own safety”.

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