TPWODL Upgrading Electricity Infrastructure for Domestic, Agricultural and Industrial Consumers of Sonepur District
Burla, 15.05.2024: TP Western Odisha Distribution Limited (TPWODL), the power distribution company in western Odisha, has taken another step enhancing electricity infrastructure and improving distribution system to provide uninterrupted service to its consumers.
In this context, the upgradation of 11 kV line from Sindhol primery substation to Keutipali under Ullunda block has started, to improve power infrastructure for domestic, agricultural and industrial consumers in Sonepur district.
The existing 11 kV infrastructure is overloaded due to which the consumers experience low voltage and over load tripping at the feeder.
During the elephant movement is seen in this area, as per government instruction we shut down the power supply, over the time the 11 kV line has been sagging which is a threat to the wildlife. Because at its low hight, the animal poachers are taking advantages.
Therefore, to solve all these problems, the construction work for laying 11 kV feeder line from Sindhol to Ketupali, a distance of about 16 km, has been started by the company. Once the work complete, consumers of keutipali, Beheramal, Rajnagar, Kapasira, Sindhol, S.patrapali, Kutpali of Birmaharajpur block will be benefited from this feeder line. About 1100 consumers and 350 lift irrigation points and the rice mills in these areas will be benefited by this upgradation. This project will cost the company Rs 2.71 crore and it is expected to complete by August 2024.
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